We went to a flea market/book swap/ jumble sale. We went to a beach bonfire on Valentines Day. Darrell has been to some AA meetings and we even hosted a couple. Of course, we did laundry and did some grocery shopping. The boat has been scrubbed inside and out. I have sewed some new cockpit cushions. We placed some of Roxy’s ashes on one of her favorite beaches. We went to several informative seminars. Like the net controller said — if you are bored in George Town it’s your own fault.
However, after almost three weeks, it was time to leave. We had a fantastic day sail over to Long Island. Another of our favorite islands. Friday night Happy Hour for the cruisers found us with about 20 or so boat crews enjoying boat stories! Saturday morning was the Farmers Market with delicious goodies and crafts. Visiting with cruisers is so enjoyable - we are so diverse yet so alike!
Multiple evenings of get togethers. Including a beach bonfire, Mutton Fest, Tiny’s Hurricane Hole, Club Washington. And yes, being stuck on the boat because it’s just too darn windy to leave!
We are laboriously studying the weather in anticipation of heading south and east from here. There are some more remote islands that we want to visit before heading offshore to either Turks and Caicos, Dominican Republic, or Puerto Rico. There is no way we are even considering a departure before Thursday, March 12 with these windy days.
Interesting twist of development!! While our countrymen are busy buying up toilet paper, we are watching in awe! We have not left Long Island, Bahamas. Weather has not been just right to leave in the direction we want to travel and with news of COVID-19 shutting down borders in some countries, we sit.
As long as we can get meager supplies into the island by the weekly mailboat, we are set for however long it takes for this to all blow over. Yep, we have enough TP to last a month at least - that’s what living on a boat is!! My man went fishing yesterday and speared enough fish to feed five of us and leftovers.
As for traveling farther south to the Caribbean, we have to wait and see. But for now I’m going to go ahead and post this update to our blog so those of you sitting at home with nothing but time on your hands have something to read.
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