Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Florida Keys

     What no update since early July? Sorry, folks....life got in the way. My how things change in a couple of months! Yes, the broken leg is doing well - no splints or casts - only a minor limp at times. All of the bills are paid and no more doctor or emergency room visits - knock on wood!
     We are still in Marathon but have been all over south Florida since the last post. Plus we have jobs in the dive industry once again. Captain Hook's Marina and Dive Center has kept us busy for a few weeks until the summer rush ended. Fun times to be back on the boat again! Roxy enjoyed us working - she got to go to doggy daycare in an indoor, air-conditioned place. At first, she hesitated to go into the back where there were a lot of barking small dogs but after a while, she didn't even look back when we dropped her off!
     The second week of August, we spent in Cape Coral visiting the kids and our gracious friends there. My gosh, Lyric is growing up fast!! He LOVES the water - I wonder where he gets that from. It was a busy, fun week! Thanks, Jerry and Sandy for the hospitality!
     When we returned to work, one boat was completely broken and the other was "limping". We worked a few trips before they decided to shut down and work on the other boat. Since we had never done a sea trial on the new rigging and boom, we decided to go sailing. Key Largo, here we come! The week was packed with trying to see EVERYONE and do EVERYTHING, lol. We sure miss all our friends there. The boat sailed great!
     We are back in Marathon and the dive boat is fixed but the weather didn't cooperate for diving for a while. Now, the slow part of the dive season is upon us. Back to tackling boat projects - at least it is cooler weather.

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