Thursday, February 23, 2012

Well, I need to pinch myself to be sure I’m awake and not dreaming this! We are enjoying white sandy beaches, turquoise waters and great weather! THIS is what we signed on for!!!!
Last Night, we ate the last of our bounty from Frazer/Hog Cay. We had cracked conch that was delicious! We are now in Exuma Land And Sea Park and cannot take any critters here. We stopped at Shroud Cay for the first time. It is laced with creeks and mangroves. We hope for the right tide this morning to g exploring but many of the creeks are closed to motorized vessels so we can’t take the dinghy in them.
We got to Skype with the kids when we were in Nassau. They could see us but we couldn’t see them (question a bad connection). Oh well, Lyric was in bed anyway, LOL!! We bought a cheap cell phone here to be able to make calls on while we are here. I wanted to get one for tethering to the computer for internet but too expensive. So I just have to make do with periodic web “fixes” like this one. I admit it, I’m a web junkie!
We rode bicycles all over Nassau to find the shopping mall where we could buy the cell phone. The bicycles are going to make a big difference in how much more of the land based sights we can visit. They are hanging on the back of the boat upside down off the arch when we are traveling. The other night we had a big mail boat following us through Northwest Channel and he kept shining his light on us. We finally figured out that he was trying to see what was looking back at him – from a distance the white walls on Darrell’s bicycle look like eye glasses!! LOL
We started Yoga classes in Key Largo before we left. I figured it was a form of exercise I can do on the boat. I have continued practicing every chance I get and the rocking boat makes some of the poses even more challenging! Best of all is that I’m getting back in shape!!!
I thought my iPhone had died the other day. I tried to take a picture and it froze in camera mode. Wouldn’t do ANYTHING!!! The battery finally went dead and it works again after charging. Man, was I worried – I have a lot of stuff stored on this thing. Yes, I even type the blog on it.
I guess there is not a darn thing to complain about. Life is wonderful. We are all doing great. Roxy loved the dolphins surfing in front of the boat yesterday and enjoys her two (at least) trips a day to frolic in the crystal clear waters.
We will leave Warderick Wells this morning for points east and/or south. Hope all who are reading this are healthy and happy. Love you bunches!

DnA and Roxy

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Darrell and Ann (and Roxy)!

    I was just telling Patt the other day that you had left Key Largo and sailed across. It leaves us a little more inspired to spend less time in the hamster wheel. We're working on it.

    The bikes are a great idea, especially in places like Nassau (and Charleston?). Roxy needs a bicycle seat - basket.

    Keep us posted - we really enjoy following you!

    Oh yes, you definitely need a backup for all your iPhone data. Here's a site that gives some information on it:

    Stay safe, and have fun!

    Dean and Patt
