Saturday, January 29, 2011

Whew! A couple of long days sailing to get here but we arrived last evening at Chub Cay. We had great winds for sailing through except that the winds died to almost nothing on the way across the gulf stream. We crossed the Great Bahama Banks yesterday with winds out of the NNW at around 15 knots and 3 foot seas on a beam reach. (for my sailing friends) The only slight negative point in the whole trip so far was the anchorage the first night at South Riding Rock - rolly and a bit rough. Not a lot of rest that night for the crew and that makes for grumpyness (if a word) the next morning. We finally perked up after a couple of naps and got a good night's rest last night. Darrell's notes: We sailed about 150 miles on about 10 gallons of diesel, the wind made our electricity, so we are being green as we can be.

Will continue to update as we go. We intend to take more time to stop and smell the roses this time around.


  1. Hi, guys! Nice work. I thought it migh be bouncy the whole way. Didn't expect the wind would drop out on you. But you made it, and caught up on some sleep.

    Enjoy yourselves - Say 'hi' to Captain Morgan for us!

    Dean and Patt

  2. How is your kitty taking the trip?
