Tuesday, September 20, 2011

     From St. Augustine, we beat a path south to Cocoa Beach and had a great couple of days with Dan and Stephanie!  We bought a television for the boat!  Over two years without one and now we've done it!  It will also serve as a large screen for the computer. 
  We stopped in Melbourne and enjoyed time with Gary and Mary (Packet Inn).  Found out she (the boat) is for sale :( !!  Sorry guys, hope it doesn't sell. 
  At Ft. Pierce, we finally got the weather window we needed to go "outside" and make some miles. We sailed for 28 hours straight for 155 miles and anchored in our old spot (Blackwater Sound). Good to be home!!
     Total miles traveled this trip was 2060. In reflecting on the trip:
1.  We all three enjoyed it immensely!
2.  We motored a lot more than we expected.
3.  We can skip some of the "destinations" next time but some are must stops. 
4.  There WILL be a next time if it is in our power to do it. 
5.  Most memorable and often told story was going thru a Hurricane (Irene) when we were actually leaving Florida to escape them!!
6.  A huge thank you to all our friends along the route for entertaining, putting up with us and Roxy, and lending assistance when needed. 


1 comment:

  1. Hi, Darrell, Ann, and Roxy,

    Patt and I really enjoyed having you visit and tour Charleston with us during your travels. We're glad your journey was made safe and sound, and that we could contribute to some of the fun. Let's do it again!

    Dean and Patt
