Monday, July 15, 2013


     At the request of some friends, I am posting some pictures of Bingo - the kitten we picked up in Guadeloupe.  She is a constant source of laughter, frustration, and entertainment.  She is fearless and her best antics yet are getting on top of the dodger and bimini - this makes Roxy crazy seeing the footprints walking all over.  From there she can now get on top of the boom and she slept there the other night.  She attacks Roxy all the time and Roxy, being the sweet dog, just tolerates her.  They both vie for any and all products from the sea.
     We are in the process of trying to teach her to use the head instead of having to have a litter box on board.  I am having the hardest time with moving the pan of litter without spilling it all over.  Hopefully, this will be a quick process!!

Bingo May 24, 2013 - first day
Sweet Bingo

Friday, July 12, 2013

Texas Visit

            We left early from the boat on June 25 to fly back to Texas.  We arrived in Amarillo that night at 10:45 PM Central Time – whew, a long day.  We were greeted at the airport by Ann’s Dad – a welcome sight! 
            The days and hours in Amarillo were spent divided among family, friends, and Jessica, Craig, and Lyric.  We always arrive with very few plans but by the end of the week, every minute of every day is accounted for!  Of course any “spare” time is filled with shopping trips to get the essentials that we hope to carry back with us.  Several items were ordered and timed to be shipped into town for us to bring back.  Some caused great consternation and some just couldn’t make the deadline. 
            One of the best parts of this trip included a surprise birthday party for Darrell’s Mom.  When we began planning to come back for a visit, we mentioned to Jessica that it would be fun to have a birthday party for her.  Wellllll, Jessica took the ball and ran with it!  We had a fantastic party and even managed to keep it a secret from her!!!  Thanks, Jessica and Mike and John and David for all you guys did to make this happen.  Of course we were especially glad to see some of the relatives who traveled some distance to the party because we seldom get to see them on our brief visits to Amarillo.
Mom opening her gifts

            We made a couple of trips to Pampa where the kids live.  This is an hour drive one way to get there at 75 mph – wow, that is fast after you have been travelling at 5 knots for most of the past year!!  One trip we spent an afternoon at the waterpark there – Lyric LOVES the water.  On another afternoon, we took him to the park and he loves the slides.  We also discovered he loves bubbles except they are pronounced “duddles”.  What fun times we had with him! 
Fun at the Water Park
            No trip home is complete without fun times with our dear friends “the railroaders”.  These people are like family and we couldn’t miss getting to spend time with them.  Amazing that we have remained close even though we left ten years ago. 
            Another “event” just happened to occur while we were visiting.  Darrell’s mom got a dog.  She has been looking and talking about getting one for some time now.  I really think that Roxy helped her make up her mind that she wanted one.  Anyway, Journey came into her life a day or two before we left.  Journey is a cocker spaniel and a perfect match for mom.  She’s not your typical high-strung cocker spaniel – very easy going.  They are going to bring each other many hours of enjoyment and companionship.
Mom and Journey

            July 2 found us saying our farewells and boarding a plane that evening.  The time goes so fast!  The trip back to Grenada was even longer than coming down due to an 18-hour layover in Miami.  If it could have been just a little longer and not during the night, we might have been able to connect with friends in the area on our way back through. 
            Roxy was glad to have us back home on the boat and I am quite sure that Bruce and Jan were glad to send Bingo home.  Our dear friends, Bruce and Jan, from Celtic Rover were the ones who boat sat and critter sat while we were gone.  Next to Bingo, the boat was the next biggest PIA! 
On Saturday morning early, the winds shifted and gusted with a tropical wave that came through here and Alibi decided to go on a walk-about!  Yep, Bruce spent the morning in pouring rain getting her untangled from a French boat near our anchor spot and getting her settled onto a mooring so she wouldn’t move again.  They are going to think twice next time we are planning a trip out of Grenada.  We are so grateful to them for taking such great care of all we entrusted them with while we were gone!
Back in Grenada, life moves on.  Interestingly, our landlubber friends ask us what we do all day.  On a recent day, I made a mental note so I could include it in the blog.  On Wednesday, we got up at our usual time, which is around 6 AM and drank our coffee relaxing in the cockpit of the boat.  At 0700, we listen to the weather on the single side band radio (like HAM radio).  At 0730, we listen to the Cruiser’s Net on the VHF radio and this lasts until a little after 0800 with all the activities to be announced.  By 0815, we were loaded in the Dinghy and headed to shore for 90 minutes of Yoga practice.  After that we went for a swim and sat on the back of a nearby boat to visit for a while.  In the afternoon, we went back over to shore and played Mexican Train Dominoes – which Darrell won (second time this week).  That evening, we loaded up and went around the corner to the next bay and had grilled hamburgers with all the trimmings.  The evening was capped off by some great musical entertainment and dancing! 
So a typical day usually includes an hour or so of weather watching (really listening), then some form of group activity or social activity, a boat project or two and a few minutes reading.  Many weeks include a shopping bus trip that lasts from about 9 AM to noon to buy groceries and various hardware items.   Of course most of our meals are prepared on the boat – which takes up another huge chunk of time with preparation, eating, and cleanup.  In all, we really have very little idle time.
Here we are for most of the summer months because of what a local called “the windy season” since there are seldom hurricanes this far south.  I have a long list of boat projects to find time for.  AND one of the purchases during our visit included a Wi-Fi antenna for the boat.  This helps us stay in touch with all our family and friends (such as this blog) and gives another tool for watching the weather.  Another big boat project for the summer months includes purchasing and installing a water maker.  I almost forgot another big boat project we have been preparing for since January is to haul out the boat and paint the bottom – a week of fun and mess!!
The kitten, Bingo, (should she make it to maturity) continues to scamper all over the boat giving us many laughs.  In fact, her latest hiding spot to sleep is somewhere on top of the boom!  For those of you who aren’t familiar with sailboat terms, here is the definition of a boom.  It is the horizontal structure that holds down the bottom of main sail.  When not under sail, the sail is folded on top of the boom and contained by a sail cover – which provides many places to hide!  Stay posted for more of her antics!!